Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top 200 MCQ in Chemistry

1.The phenomenon which proves the particle nature of electron is
a) diffraction                          b) interferance   c) photoelectric effect   d) all the above
2. The wave associated with a particle is called as
a) electromagnetic wave       b) matter wave  c) micro wave                d) all the above
3. If the momentum of a particle B is half of A,then wavelength of B is equal to
a) λA/2                                    b) λA                                          c) 2λA                                                          d) λA2
4. de-Broglie concept is significant for
a) electrons                            b) protons            c) neutrons                    d) all the above
5. The energy required to shift an electron from n=1 to n=∞ is
a) +1312 kJmol-1                                          b) +146 kJmol-1  c) -1312 kJmol-1                             d) zero
6. The nodal plane for 2px orbital is
a) XY plane                             b) YZ plane          c) XZ plane                    d) all the above
7. Which of the following molecule is having shortest bond length
a) hydrogen                            b) nitrogen          c) oxygen                       d) lithium
8. The molecule with greater bond dissociation energy is
a) H2                                                                               b) Li2                                        c) O2                                                            d)N2
9. Energy levels of the molecular orbitals  have been determined experimentally by
a) Crystallographic studies     b) X- ray analysis c) spectroscopic studies  d)None
10. Which of the following will have lowest boiling point
a) o-nitro phenol                    b) m-nitro phenol c) p-nitro phenol          d) all the above
11. The correct order of electronegativity is
a) F>O>N                                b) O>F>N             c) N>O>F                       d) F<N<O
12. The number of nodes in s-orbital of any energy level is equal to
a) 2n+1                                   b) n+1                  c) 2n-1                           d) n-1
13. G.P.Thomson performed experiments to prove the wave nature of electrons using

a) Nickel crystal                     b) silver foil
14. The hybridisation in ICl4- is
a) sp3d                                    b)sp3d3
15. Which of the following is a weak bond
a) covalent bond           b) hydrogen bond

c) gold foil                     d) zinc suphide

c)sp3                                                            d)sp3d2

c)ionic bond    d) dipole dipole interactions

16. Pauling’s method of calculation of ionic radii is not applicable for
a) NaF                                     b) KCl                   c) CsCl                           d) RbBr
17. The correct order of successive ionisation potentials is
a) I1>I2>I3                                                                 b) I1=I2=I3                           c) I1<I2<I3                                               d) none
18. The contribution of other electrons present in 1s orbital to ‘S’ value is
a) 0                                         b) 0.35                 c) 0.85                           d) 0.30
19. The metal with negative electron affinity is
a) Gold                                    b) Copper            c) Zinc                           d) Silver

20. The metal with comparitively high electron affinity is
a) Chlorine                             b) Cesium            c) Gold                           d) Cadmium
21. The ionic crystal in which the anion and cation are isoelectronic with neon is

a) NaF                                     b) KCl                   c) RbCl                           d) CsI
22. Inert pair effect is a charecteristic feature of ------------ elements
a) s-block                      b) p- block                     c) d- block                     d) f- block
23. Chloroplumbic acid is
a) H4PbCl2                                           b)H2PbCl2                                             c) HPbCl2                                              d) H2PbCl4
24.The oxy acid of phosphorus which is a powerful reducing agent(reduces silver nitrate) is
a) H3PO3                                                b) H3PO4                                                c) H4P2O7                                              d) PH3
25.The oxy acid of phosphorus which gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3 is
a) H3PO3                                                b) H3PO4                                                c) H4P2O7                                              d) PH3
26. The compound with rotten fish odour is
a) P2O3                                                     b) H3PO3                                                c) PH3                                                         d) P2O5
27. The halogen which is the strongest oxidising agent is
a) fluorine                     b) chlorine                    c) bromine                    d) iodine
28.Which of the following is not possible
a) I3-                                        b) F3-                                       c) Br3-                                                         d) Cl3-
29. During the hydrolysis of interhalogen compound, the larger halogen forms
a) halide ion                        b) oxyhalide ion           c) both a and b  d) none
30. Which of the following inert gas is not found in air
a) helium                         b) neon                        c) krypton                       d) radon
31. The element which is extremely toxic in boron family is
a) gallium                        b) indium                     c) thalium                      d) boron
32. The compound with garlic taste is
a) P2O3                                                     b) H3PO3                                                c) PH3                                                         d) P2O5
33.The compound used as souring agent in the preparation of soft drinks is
a) H3PO3                                                b) H3PO4                                                c) H4P2O7                                              d) P2O5
34. The mixture which is used to prevent bends
a) He/Ne                          b) Ar/N2                                                 c) Ar/O2                                            d) He/O2
35.The compound used to prevent knocking is
a) Pb3O4                                                 b) Pb(OH)2                                         c) Pb(C2H4)4                                      d)PbO
36. The catalyst used in the manufacture of polythene is
a) V2O5                                                         b) Cr2O3                                                 c) TiCl4                                                     d) Fe2O3
37.The transition metal which shows zero oxidation state in its compound is
a) Sc                                b) Cu                             c) Ni                               d) Os
38. The magnetic moment in BM for Ti3+ is equal to
a) √2                                b)√8                               c) √3                              d) √15
39. Which of the following transition metal is attacked by alkali
a) copper                         b) zinc                           c) silver                         d) chromium
40. Aquaregia contains con.HCl and con. HNO3 in the ratio
a) 3: 9                               b) 1:3                            c) 3 :1                            d) 1: 2

41. 18 carat gold contains ---------- parts by weight of copper
a) four                             b) eight                         c) six                              d) eighteen

42. The colour of pottasium dichromate in alkaline solution is

a) orange red                  b) pink                           c) yellow                        d) colourless
43. In acidic medium,one mole of K2Cr2O7 gives ------------- atoms of oxygen
a) five                                b)one                             c) three                         d) six
44. Bordeaux mixture contains
a) ZnSO4+ H2SO4                           b) CuSO4 + lime            c) AgNO3 + lime            d) CuSO4 + NH4OH
45. The oxidation state of  Fe in Fe(CO)5 is
a) +3                                b)+2                               c) +5                              d) 0
46. During smelting process of copper pyrites,the matte formed chiefly contains
a) Cu2S+FeS                     b) FeSiO3                                              c) Cu2S +FeO                 d)Cu2S +Cu2O
47. Blister copper contains ---------------% impurities
a) 1                                  b) 2                                c) 3                                d) 98
48. Gun metal is an alloy containing
a) Cu+Sn                          b) Cu+Zn                       c) Cu+Sn+Zn                  d) Cu+Sn + Ni
49. The metal used for galvanizing iron sheets is
a) copper                         b) chromium                 c) siver                          d) zinc
50. The compound of transition metal which decompose on exposure to light is
a)AuCl3                                                        b) CuSO4                                               c) AgNO3                                               d) ZnCO3
51. Which of the following is a ferromagnetic substance
a) Sc                                b) Ti                               c) Zn                              d) Fe
52. Which of the following are also known as rare earth elements
a) s-block                         b) p- block                     c) d-block                      d) f-block
53. Which of the following has the maximum tendency to act as reducing agent
a) Lu                                   b) Ce                             c) Pm                             d) La
54. Which of the following hydroxide is most basic
a) La(OH)3                                                    b) Ce(OH)3                                         c) Nd(OH)3                                         d) Lu(OH)3
55. The major constituent of mish metals is
a) cerium                           b) lutitium                     c) lanthanum                 d)neodimium
56. The colour of U4+  ion is
a) red                                   b) yellow                       c) green                       d) colourless
57. Uranium exhibits maximum oxidation state in
a) UO2                                                                      b) UF6                                                     c) UO2Cl2                                            d) both b and c
58. The existence of an actinide series analogous to the lanthanide series was postulated by
a) Neils Bohr                      b) Mary Curie               c) Henry Becquerel       d) Pierre Curie
59. The actinide which is present as an impurity along with lanthanides in monozite sand is
a) Ac                                   b) U                               c) Th                              d) Pu
60. Which of the following is called as lattice compounds
a) simple salt                     b) a complex                 c) double salt                d) all the above

61. Which serves as a lewis acid in a complex compound
a) Central metal ion           b) ligand                       c) cation                        d) anion
62. The number of Cl- ions formed by [Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2.H2O on reaction with AgNO3 is
a) 1                                     b) 2                                c) 3                                d)0
63. Geometrical isomers are not possible for--------complex
a) octahedral                     b) tetrahedral               c) square planar            d) none
64. The chelating ligand used to form insoluble complex of Nickel is

a) en                                  b) oxine                         c) DMG                          d) Py
65. The masking agent used  to remove a metal ion which would interfere with the analysis of a second
metal ion is
a) en                                  b) CN-                            c) oxine                         d) EDTA
66. If the half life of a substance is 100 sec ,its average life is
a)1.44 sec                          b) 50 sec                       c)144 sec                       d) 100 sec
67. The radioactive decay series finally results in the formation of stable isotope of
a) lead                               b) thorium                     c) actinium                    d) bismuth
68. Nuclear fusion reaction takes place at very high temperature of about
a) 10 K                               b) 1010K                         c)108 K                           d) 10 33 K
69. The isotope used in the detection of eye tumours is
a)   15P32                                                            b) 53I131                                                      c) 80Hg197                                                d) 11Na24
70. Radio isotopes which are useful in industry and in agriculture is
a)   15P32                                                            b) 27Co60                                                  c) 80Hg197                                                d) 38Sr90
71. Radio carbon decays by
a) positron decay               b) β decay                     c) α decay                     d) none
72. Actinium decay series is known as
a) 4n series                        b) 4n+2 series               c) 4n+1 series                d) 4n+3 series
73. In nuclear reactions __________ is / are balanced on both sides
a) mass                              b)number of atoms    c) mass number               d) mass & atomic number
74. A fossil will lose half the amount of carbon-14 present in its living state in about
a) 6500 years                     b) 5700 years                c) 4700 years                d) 6700 years
75. In radio carbon dating,the age can be determined by knowing the number of _______ particles
emitted per gram per minute
a) +1e0                                                                 b) α                               c)β                                 d) 6C14
76. The wavelength of X-rays is in the order of
a) 108 cm                           b) 10-8 m                       c) 10-8cm                       d) 108 m
77.In Bragg’s spectromete   r  method, which of the following are in the ratio 1:2:3
a) λ1: λ2: λ3                                                   b) sinθ1: sinθ2: sinθ3     c) θ: λ:d                          d) d1:d2:d3
78.In ionic crystals the ions are held by
a) dipole-dipole force        b) coulombic force       c) Vanderwaals force  d) all the above
79.The ionic crystal with coordination number equal to four is
a) CsCl                               b) FeS                            c) ZnS                            d) NaCl
80.Elements like silicon and germanium exhibit appreciable conductivity upon addition of impurities as
a) Arsenic                          b) Bismuth                    c) Boron                        d) both a) and c)

81.The crystal used as a three dimentional diffraction grating in Laue’s experiment is
a) Nickel                            b) Zinc sulphide            c) Sodium chloride        d) Cesium chloride
82.The force which occur in all kinds of molecular solids is
a) coulombic force            b) Vanderwaal’s force  c) dipole-dipole force  d)all the above
83. The number of cesium chloride units per unit cell of CsCl is
a) 1                                    b) 2                                c) 3                                d) 4
84. Glasses are regarded as
a) super cooled liquid        b) amorphous solids   c) optically isotropic   d) all the above
85. An example for covalent crystals is

a) ice                                  b) diamond                   c) sodium chloride                 d) copper
86. In a fcc arrangement,the corner atoms are A type and those at face centres are B type. The
simplest formula of the compound is
a) AB2                                                                 b)A3B8                                                       c)AB3                                                                             d) AB4
87. The standard entropies of either elements or compounds at any temperature above 00K is
a) zero                               b) positive                     c) negative                              d) infinite
88. Which of the following  will not obey Troutan’s rule
a) CCl4                                                               b) H2S                            c) CHCl3                                                                    d) H2O
89. Standard free energies of formation of elements are taken as
a) unity                              b) zero                           c) infinity                                d) none
90.In an equilibrium reaction forward reaction is favoured when
a) Q> Kc                             b) Q = Kc                       c) Q< Kc                                  d) none
91. In an equilibrium reaction,if the number of moles of gaseous products are lesser than the number
of moles of gaseous reactants,then
a) Kp > Kc                           b) Kp < Kc                      c) Kp = Kc                                d) none
92. For the dissociation of PCl5 reaction, the degree of dissociation (x) is proportional to
a) √P                                  b) √1/P                                          c) √1/V                    d) Both a and c
93. The optimum temperature maintained in contact process is nearly
a) 500-5500C                      b) 300-5000C                 c) 400-4500C                           d) 700-12000C
94. The rate equation for,       2HCrO4- + 6I- + 14H+                  2Cr3+ + 3I2 + 8H2O is
r = k [HCrO4-] [I-]2 [H+]2            ,the order of the reaction is
a) 1                                    b) 2                                c) 3                                          d)5
95. For the decomposition of H2O2 reaction,the progress of the reaction is followed by titrating equal
volumes of reaction mixture against standard
a) NaOH                             b) HCl                            c) KMnO4                                                                d) all the above
96. In acid catalysed hydrolysis of ester,the rate of the reaction is followed by titrating the reaction
mixture against standard
a) NaOH                             b) HCl                            c) KMnO4                                                                d) all the above
97.The number of moles of water present in 1 litre is
a) 18                                  b) 1                                c) 55.55                                   d) 1000
98. Keeping the concentration constant,when measured at a temperature 10 K greater than the initial
temperature,the rate becomes
a) Same                             b) two times greater   c) two times lower                   d) ten times greater
99. For Arrhenius equation ,a plot of log k against 1/T gives a straight line with slope equal to
a) Ea/ R                              b) Ea/2.303 R                c) - Ea/2.303 R                        d) -2.303 Ea/R
100. Higher the value of Ea, the rate of the reaction is
a) higher                            d) moderate                  c) slower                                 d) zero

101. The time required to complete 1/u th fraction is independent of
a) rate constant                 b) initial concentration          c) halflife period           d) all the above
102.Which of the following gases are adsorbed more easily
a) hydogen                         b) oxygen                                c)  chlorine                    d) nitrogen

103. Which of the following process is homogeneous catalysis

a) Haber’s process  b) Contact proces

c) Ostwald’s process   d) lead chamber process

104. The oxidation of sodium sulphite by air is retarded by
a) Glycerine             b) As2O3                                                                    c) alcohol                      d) H2S
105.In the oxidation of oxalic acid by KMnO4,the auto catalyst is
a) K2SO4                                        b) KMnO4                                                               c) MnSO4                                              d) H2SO4
106.The catalytic poison used in contact process is
a) Mo                       b) As2O3                                                                    c)H2S                              d) V2O5
107.The intermediate formed in the catalytic oxidation of SO2 to SO3   in lead chamber process is
a) NO                        b) O2                                                                              c) NO2                                                       d) SO
108. The promoter used in Bosch’s process for the manufacture of hydrogen is

a) Nickel                   b) Chromic oxide                    c) ferric oxide
109.Which of the following is a crystalloid
a) gelatin                  b) sugar                                  c) albumen
110. An example for aerosol type of colloid is
a) cloud                    b) haze                                    c)mist
111. Silver chloride can be converted into sol by adding
     a) HCl                       b) H2SO4                                                                   c)NaOH
112.The colour of As2S3 sol is
a) red                       b) black                                   c)yellow
113. Electrodialysis method is not applicable for impurities like
     a) urea                     b) sugar                                 
114.The colloid used in curing kalazar is
a) argyrol                 b)milk of magnesia                c) colloidal gold
115.An example for W/O type emulsion is
a) milk                      b) butter                                 c) vanishing cream
116. The emulsifying agent used to stabilise O/W type emulsion is
     a) lampblack            b) long chain alcohols            c) protiens
117. Emulsions can be broken into constituent liquids by
     a) heating                 b) freezing                              c) centrifuging
118.An example for semiconductors is
a) benzene               b) glass                                   c) cobalt oxide

d) Molybdenum

d) glue
d) all the above d) KOH
d) colourless

d) both a and b
d) colloidal antimony
d) all the above
d) all the above
d) all the above
d) none

119.The enthalpy of neutralisation of a strong acid by strong base is equal to
a) 57.32 kJ/mol                  b) 22.0 kJ/mol              c) -47 kJ/mol                 d) -57.32 kJ/mol
120. Which of the following shows abnormal colligative properties
a) sugar                             b)urea                           c) NaCl                          d) all the above

121.For strong electrolytes,the degree of dissociation(α) is equal to
a) 0.1                                 b) 0                                c)1.0                              d) infinite

122.According to Ostwald dilution law,the concentration of H+ for weak electrolytes is given by
a) √Ka/C                             b)√Ka. C                    c) α2.C                                d) α2/C
123. Equivalent conductance is equal to molar conductance for electrolytes like
a) AlCl3                                                             b) K2SO4                               c) NaCl                                    d) all the above
124. Using Debye Huckel Onsagar equation, the plot of λC versus √C for strong electrolytes gives
intercept equal to
a) A+ B λ∞                         b) 1-α                                           c) λ∞                        d) α

125.The quantity of electricity needed to deposit 1 gm equivalent  of Al3+ is
a) 1F                                   b) 2F                                                 c) 3F                     d) 0.5F
126. The degree of dissociation of AgCl is reduced by adding
a) NaF                                b) NH4OH                                         c) NaCl                 d) CH3COONa
127.The value of ionic product of water at 298 K is
a) 10 14 mol2dm-6                            b) 10 -7 mol2dm-6                        c) 10 -14 mol2dm-6                    d) 10 7 mol2dm-6
128.Which of the following is not a buffer solution
a) CH3COOH+ CH3COONa b) NH4OH+NH4Cl          c) H2SO4 +Na2SO4                                       d) none
129.For a buffer solution having equimolar amounts of acid and salt
a) pH= pKa                   b)pH = pOH                         c) pH = 1                                 d) pKa = 0
130. The pH of buffer containing equimolar amounts of acetic acid and sodium acetate is

a) 1.0                           b) 14.0                                 c) 4.77
131.The pH range of phenolpthalien indicator is
a) 6.8-8.4                     b) 3.1-4.4                            c) 4.4 - 6.2
132. The suitable indicator for the titration of CH3COOH Vs NH4OH is
     a) methyl orange        b) phenolpthalien               c) phenol red
133.The carbinol name of sec-butyl alcohol is
a) dimethyl carbinol b) isopropyl carbinol             c) ethyl methyl carbinol
134. The alcohol which is called ‘wood spirit’ is
a) methyl alcohol              b) ethyl alcohol             c) benzyl alcohol

d) 0

d) 8.3 - 10

d) trimethyl carbinol d) phenol

135. When alcohols are converted to alkyl chlorides by thionyl chloride in presence of pyridine,the
reaction belongs to
a) SN1                                                                 b) SN2                                                             c) SNi                                                                               d) none
136. In breath analysis test the oxidation state of chromium in potassium dichromate changes from
a) III to IV                          b) VI to III                       c) III to VI                                d) IV to III
137.The alcohol which does not answers iodoform test is
a) ethanol                          b) methanol                  c) isopropyl alcohol                d) none
138. Denatured spirit is ethanol containing
a) 95% methanol               b) 5% water                  c) 5% methanol                      d) 95% water
139. Diols are isomeric with
a)di ethers                         b) aldehydes                 c) hydroxy ethers                   d) both a) and c)
140. The molecular formula for stearic acid is
a) C17H33COOH                    b) C17H35COOH            c) C15H31COOH                        d) C16H33COOH
141.Glycerol reacts with metallic sodium at high temperature to give
a) monosodium glycerolate b)disodium glycerolate c) trisodium glycerolate      d)all the above
142.Glycerol forms mesoxalic acid with
a) con HNO3                                             b) FeSO4/H2O2                              c) bismuth nitrate                  d) KMnO4

143.Glycerose is a mixture of glyceraldehyde and
a) mesoxalic acid              b) tartronic acid            c) dihydroxy acetone              d) oxalic acid

144.Benzyl alcohol is isomeric with
a) phenols                          b) anisole                      c) cresols                                d) both b) and c)
145.The compound present in jasmine oils is

a) phenyl benzoate            b) benzyl acetate          c) phenyl acetate                   d) benzyl benzoate
146.The compound used in the treatment of asthma is
a) phenyl benzoate            b) benzyl acetate          c) phenyl acetate                   d) benzyl benzoate
147.The IUPAC name of Pyrogallol is
a) 1,2,3 trihydroxy benzene b)1,2,4 trihydroxy benzene c)1,3,5 trihydroxy benzene d) none
148. The compound which dissolves in sodium hydroxide but not in sodium bicarbonate is
a) ethyl alcohol                  b) benzyl alcohol           c) phenol                                d) acetic acid
149. Phenols are stronger acids  than
a) alcohols               b) mineral acids                     c) carboxylic acids                  d) carbonic acids
150.Which of the following is most acidic
a) p-nitro phenol   b) phenol                                   c) p-cresol                              d) p-amino phenol
151.The main product obtained in the reaction of phenol with PCl5 is
a) C6H5Cl                  b) POCl3                                                                    c) (C6H5O)3PO                         d) HCl
152.Bakelite is a polymer of phenol and
a) methanal             b) ethanol                               c) formic acid                         d) none
153.The number of ether isomers posible for a compound with molecular formula C3H8O is
a) 1                           b)3                                          c) 2                                          d)4
154.The intermediate formed in the reaction of alkyl halides with dry silveroxide is
a) R-O-X                   b) R-O-Ag                               c)  AgX                                    d) R-O- R
155. Ethers do not react with
a) acids                     b) alkalies                               c) Sodium                               d)  all the above
156. Which of the following is used as a solvent for Grignard reagent
a) alcohol                 b)water                                   c) ether                                   d) all the above
157. The alkyl halide formed in the reaction of HI with C2H5-O-CH3
a) C2H5I                     b) CH3I                                    c) both a and b                       d)none
158.The reagent used in Ziesel’s method is
a) KMnO4                                   b) PCl5                                                                         c) BF3                                                                            d) HI
159.Ziesel’s method is used to detect which of the following  groups in alkaloids
a) -CH3                                             b) -O-                                      c) -OCH3                                                                     d) all the above
160. Which of the following is used as a medium in the preparation of Grignard reagent
a)CH3 - O - C2H5    b) C2H5 - O - CH3                         c) C2H5 - O - C2H5                      d) C3H7 - O - C2H5
161.Which is not formed in the reaction of anisole with HI
a) phenol                  b) methyl iodide                     c) iodobenzene                       d)none
162. ‘Pyridoxal’ an aldehyde is derived from
a) vitamin D             b)vitamin B12                                                    c) vitamin K                            d)vitamin B6
163.Aldehydes are functional isomers of
a) ketones                b) carboxylic acids                 c) unsaturated alcohols          d) both a and c
164.The product in Rosenmund reduction in the absence of BaSO4 is
a) acid chloride        b) aldehyde                            c) primary alcohol                  d) ketone
165.Which of the following cannot be prepared by Rosenmund reduction
a) acetaldehyde       b) formaldehyde                    c)benzaldehyde                      d) none

166.The reaction used to locate the position of double bond is
a) Haloform reaction        b) hydrolysis                  c) oxidation                            d)ozonolysis
167. Which of the following is least reactive carbonyl compound

a) H-CHO                  b)R-CHO                                 c)R-CO-R                                 d) R-O-R
168.Aldol on heating forms
a) acrolien                b)cinnamaldehyde                 c) crotonaldehyde                  d) allyl alcohol
169. A cyanohydrin of a compound X on hydrolysis gives mandelic acid. The X is
a) HCHO                 b) CH3CHO                           c) (CH3)2 CO                          d) C6H5CHO
170. The electron source used in Clemmenson reduction is
a) mercury               b) zinc metal                          c)HCl                                       d) aldehyde
171.The intermediate formed in Wolff kishner reduction is
a) alkanes                 b)hydrazine                            c) ketone                                d) hydrazone
172.The compound used as a hypnotic under the name ‘hypnone’ is
a)acetone                 b)benzophenone           c)acetophenone                               d)acetaldehyde
173.The compound which does not form addition product with sodium bisulphite is

a)acetone                 b)benzophenone           c)acetophenone
174.Which of the following is obtained from Laurel oil
C3H7COOH        b) C11H23COOH          c) C4H9COOH
175.The acid which undergo intermolecular dehydration is
a) formic acid          b)succinic acid              c) acetic acid
176.The stable product formed when formic acid reacts with PCl5 is
     a) CH3COCl               b)HCOCl                        c)C6H5COCl
177.The reagent used to convert CH3COOH _ CH3-CH3 is
a) LiAlH4                                      b) H2/Ru                        c) HI/P
178. The acid used in the treatment of ‘gout’ is
a) acetic acid           b) oxalic acid                c) salicylic acid
179.The acid which undergo haloform reaction is
a) acetic acid           b) formic acid               c) lactic acid
180.The acid which is used as urinary antiseptic is
a) acetic acid           b) formic acid               c) benzoic acid
181.Which is the most reactive derivative of carboxylic acid
     a) ester                     b) amide                       c) acid chloride
182.Which of the following compound is used as soldering flux
a) acetyl chloride   b) acetamide                        c) methyl acetate
183. Which of the following does not exhibit tautomerism
     a) CH3CH2-NO2                   b) (CH3)2CH-NO2                       c) CH3-NO2
184. Nitro alkanes are functional isomers of
a) Amines                 b) alkyl nitrites              c) Alkyl cyanides
185.Which of the following is insoluble in NaOH
a) 2-nitro propane        b) Nitro ethane   c) 1-nitro propane
186.Which of the following is a stronger base
a) methyl amine      b) Dimethyl amine        c) Benzyl amine

187.Which of the following gives secondary amines on reduction
a) Nitro methane   b) methyl cyanide                c) Acetamide



d) all the above

d) HCl+CO

d) NaOH/CaO

d) formic acid

d) salicylic acid

d) salicylic acid

d) acid anhydride

d) acetic anhydride

d) (CH3)3C-NO2

d) Aldehydes
d) 2-nitro 2-methyl propane
        d) Trimethyl amine

d) methyl isocyanide

188. The electron deficient species formed during Hoffmann bromamide reaction is
a) Carbene               b) diazonium ion           c)Nitrene                                d) Carbonium ion

189.The compound which has fishy odour is
a) Nitrobenzene       b) Nitriles                      c) Amines                               d) All the above

190.The substance with musturd like smell is
a) methyl isocyanate         b) Methyl isocyanide   c) methyl isothiocyanate d) methyl cyanide
191.Which of the following does not form Schiff’s base
a) CH3NH2                                 b) CH3CH2-NH2                             c) C6H5NH2                                                            d) CH3-NH-CH3
192.Which of the following does not undergo coupling reaction with C6H5N2Cl
a) phenol                  b) Aniline                       c) Anisole                               d) Nitrobenzene
193. Which of the following reagent reacts with aniline giving meta product
a) Br2 /H2O                    b)fuming H2SO4                   c) Con. HNO3/Con.H2SO4     d) CH3COCl
194. Nitromethane forms nitro alcohols in presence of alkali on condensation with

a) alcohols                   b) aldehyde                 c) amines
195.Which of the following is  used as soil sterilising agent
     a) picric acid                b) chloral                     c) chloropicrin
196.The nitrile used in the manufacture of PAN is
a) acrylonitrile           b) propionitrile              c) aceto nitrile
197.Which of the following aryl diazonium salt is stable in dry condition
a) ArN2+Cl-                                     b) ArN2+NO2-                                       c) ArN2+BF4-
198. Which of the following are used in the preparation of ‘Sulpha drugs’
a) Nitrobenzene        b) Methyl amine           c) acetamide
199.Nitration of nitrobenzene with fuming nitric acid gives
(a) o-dinitro benzene (b) 1,3,5-trinitro benzene (c) p-dinitro benzene

d) carboxylic acids

d)all the above

d) formonitrile

d) None

d) Aniline

(d) m-dinitro benzene

200.An amine which forms quarternary ammonium salt with two molar proportion of alkyl halide is
(a) 10 amine              (b) 20 amine                  (c) 30 amine          (d) None
201.Which of the following is a trisaccharide
a) sucrose                 b)glucose                       c) lactose               d)raffinose
202.Which is called grape sugar
a) glucose                 b) fructose                     c)galactose                     d)starch
203.Mixture of equal molecules of D(+) glucose and D(-) fructose is called
a)fruit sugar             b) invert sugar              c) cane sugar                          d) non sugar
204.The number of assymetric carbon atoms present in fructose is
a) one                       b)two                             c) three                                   d)four
205.Sucrose on heating upto 2000C forms
a) barley sugar         b) caramel                    c) dextrin              d)burnt sugar
206. In polysacchrides the monosacchride units are linked together by ----- linkage
a) pepdide                b)amide                         c)glycosidic                    d) ester
207.Starch yields maltose when treated with the enzyme
a) zymase            b)maltase                      c)diastase                  d)invertase 
208.The colour formed when starch solution is added with a drop of iodine
a) yellow                  b) green                        c) pink                                     d) blue
209. Starch when heated to a temperature between 200-2500C ,it changes to
a) barley sugar         b) caramel                    c) dextrin                                d) burnt sugar
210.The most abundunt of all carbohydrates is
 a) starch                   b) glucose                      c) inulin                                  d) cellulose
211.Cellulose on boiling with dil.H2SO4,gets completely hydrolysed to
a) D-glucose             b) L-fructose                  c) d-  fructose                         d) L-  glucose
212.In protiens amino acids are linked through ----------linkage
a) pepdide                b) amide                        c) glycosidic                           d) ester
213.In acidic solution an amino acid exists in the form of
a)cation                    b) zwitter ion                 c) anion                                  d) neutral molecule
214.Which of the following is a phospholipid
a) wax                      b) fat                             c) cephalin                              d) all the above
215.Which lipid is involved in the organisation of cell structure
a) cephalin               b) lecithin                      c) glycolipid                            d) fat
216.Which lipid has been implicated in the process of blood coagulation

a) cephalin          b) lecithin                      c) glycolipid                            d) fat

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